Barry O'Donovan

If you want to confuse Barry, ask him where he’s from: born in Cork, spent his formative years in Galway and married into Dublin. He is an internet infrastructure specialist for ISPs and IXPs.
Barry got a honours degree in Maths, his first love, from NUI, Galway in 2001. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (ACA) and member of Chartered Accountants Ireland; and a member of the Irish Computer Society (MICS) and Chartered IT Professional (CITP).
It was 2008 when Nick Hilliard, INEX’s CTO, approached Barry to provide a couple days operational support to INEX. Little did Barry realise what a huge part of his life INEX would become – both here in Ireland supporting INEX’s infrastructure and membership but also as part of the larger European and international IXP community.
Barry is also the project manager and lead developer of IXP Manager ( – a full stack management system for IXPs which includes an administration and customer portal; provides end to end provisioning; and both teaches and implements best practice. INEX is very proud to say that this project is now in use at over 200 IXPs.