Euro-IX Community Projects
Building and shaping the Internet, together.
The Euro-IX Community Projects is a way for Euro-IX Members, Patrons and Community Members to submit project ideas that they would like Euro-IX to undertake or support. These ideas should be for the 'good of the Internet' and can cover anything that may be considered as beneficial for the Community.
Project Phases
Project Plan
- Project idea is submitted by Community Member
- Goes through approval process – via the Euro-IX Board
- Feedback given
- Project approved – Yes / No
- If no, refine plan or dump
- If yes, move to next stage
- Final plan submitted with initial costs
- Budget agreed with all parties
- Source funding by proposer with support from Euro-IX
- Additional funding to be sourced if needed
- Once finances are in place move to next stage, Deliver
- Identify project phases – ensure each phase is completed
- Recruit resources – Volunteers / Developers / Project manager / Website design
- Confirm timescales – breakdown project timeline/ deliver to expectations
- Start delivery and move to next stage, Improve
- Complete project
- Test and collect feedback
- Incorporate feedback
- Further tests
- Maintain and improve

Submission Process
To submit a project, please send an email to the secretariat, answering the following questions:
- Name of Applicant
- Name of Organisation
- What is your role in the project
- What is the key outcome of the project
- Please provide a brief description of the project
- How will the project benefit from Euro-IX support
- Who are the beneficiaries of the project and what value does it bring to them
- Estimation of the resources to implement the project, include financial, time and human resources
- Outputs/ deliverables/ impact expected