Central Asia has some of the highest connectivity costs in the world, yet few IXPs exist to enable traffic to be exchanged locally between ISPs and which can attract major content providers to serve their customers.
The Internet Society, RIPE NCC and Euro-IX will be organising the second event of the Virtual Peering Series – Central Asia on 13 July 2021 at 09.00-10.30 UTC (14.00-15.30 in Western Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, and 15.00-16.30 in Eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan).
This event will focus on why Internet exchange points are important for the region, the benefits of establishing them, and how to develop operator communities for a common purpose. It will be in Russian, with simultaneous translation provided in English.
The first event in May attracted more than 60 participants and the high levels of interaction suggests there is a great deal of interest in improving connectivity in Central Asia. The intention is to build on this by drawing on the experiences of existing IXPs and major content providers from countries within the region and internationally, providing the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss the challenges of IXP development with other stakeholders.
The Virtual Peering Series – Central Asia series introduces the benefits of IXPs; bring together network operators, content providers, and DNS operators who are interested in improving the Internet in their countries and localities; and develop plans for establishing and/or operating an IXP. It will also discuss IXP best practices, including technical solutions as well as hosting, financing, and staff resourcing, with the aim of developing suitable approaches for local circumstances.
The language of these events will be Russian, with simultaneous translation provided in English. The Internet Society, RIPE NCC, and Euro-IX would like to thank Flexoptix for their generous support of these events.
The following two Zoom backgrounds can be used when joining the meeting (click to download).

Internet Society, RIPE NCC и Euro-IX организуют второе мероприятие серии Virtual Peering Series для Центральной Азии 13 июля 2021 года в 09.00-10.30 UTC. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что мероприятия пройдут в 14.00-15.30 по времени Туркменистана, Узбекистана и Таджикистана и 15.00-16.30 по времени Казахстана и Кыргызстана.
В рамках этой сессии участники обсудят такие вопросы как значение точек обмена Интернет-трафиком для региона, преимуществах их создания и способы развития сообщества операторов для достижения общей цели. Мероприятие пройдёт на русском языке с предоставлением синхронного перевода на английском.
Первое мероприятие в мае привлекло более 60 участников, и высокий уровень взаимодействия свидетельствует о большом интересе к улучшению связности в Центральной Азии. В качестве следующего шага мы хотели бы, опираясь на опыт существующих точек обмена трафиком и основных поставщиков контента из стран в регионе и за рубежом, предоставить более широкую возможность для обсуждения проблем развития точек обмена трафиком со всеми заинтересованными сторонами.
Нa мероприятиях серии Virtual Peering Series для Центральной Азии будут представлены преимущества точек по обмену интернет трафиком, а также предоставлена возможность встречи интернет сервис-провайдеров, контент провайдеров и операторов системы DNS, заинтересованных в развитии интернета в своих странах и регионах, для разработки планов по основанию/развитию точки по обмену интернет трафиком.
A nonprofit organization that promotes the open development, evolution, and use of the Internet for the benefit of all people throughout the world. This includes providing support and funding to help establish and develop IXPs in under-served countries and regions, through its Infrastructure and Community Development initiative, and the Internet Society Foundation’s Beyond the Net grant program.
The Regional Internet Registry (RIR) that allocates and registers Internet number resources (IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and ASNs) for Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. It also supports the operation of the DNS K-root server, collects and publishes statistics on Internet development and performance through RIPE Atlas and RIPEstat, and supports technical capacity building through its training program.
The European Association of IXPs that represents, supports, and strengthens the IXP community in Europe and beyond. It is comprised of over 70 IXPs who share technical standards, common procedures, and develop peering relationships with network operators.